By UnTrustable (NL)

WadMix2007 is still under construction. Start date 9 february 2007

Taking someone elses work, and/or change it a bit, and/or claim it as your own work IS PLAGIARISM.
The Story so far....
You are the Space Marine that pumped the last rocket into the skull of that Hell Boss.
He died with a loud scream, and there you are... teleporting home....home ?!
Instead of going home, now you appear at the very beginning of your journey.
You look around, you've been here before. What's the big idea !?
Everywhere you look, you see dead corpses of enemies, you've killed weeks ago....
Why are you not on earth? Are you supposed to walk this through AGAIN !?

Canceled for outsiders ! but Available for friends.

A few old screenshots of WadMix 1997


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Map01: Doom E1M1 as we
know it
Map01: Switches over to
Doom2 Map01
Map01: Switches over to
Heretic E1M1. Here with
the original Doom2 Textures.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Map01: Heretic
Map01: Switches over to
Hexen Map01
Map01: Switches over to Duke
Nukem, Wolfenstein to Quake.
A few screenshots of WadMix 2007
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Map01: Unsuccesfull adding Heretic
textures with XWE and DoomBuilder.
Map01: With succes added Heretic
textures and flats (Floor-Ceiling)
Map01: With succes added Heretic
textures and flats
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Map02: Starts with Doom2 map02, but
MERGES with Doom E1M3 like screen
Map02: Doom E1M3 looks heavely
damaged. To give the player the idea
that the 'mixing' gets more chaotic
Map02: Duke Nukem 3D E1M3.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Map02: This is what happens when two
maps are forced to merge each other
even though they have different size
Map02: It seems that here a war has
 raged. The original O form is hardly
Map02: This practical joke had to be a
 secret from you. Duke fans wouldnt like
 this, i can asure you.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.

Map02: Duke Nukem Map is total

messed up

Map02: Doom E1M8. The outside
Map02: Black CyberDemons?
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Map02: Strife Map02 can be found,
Map02: A Strife map is forced to be in
one space with a Doom2 map.
It's hard to see, but believe me, it is.
Map02: The same Strife and Doom2
map now on top view. The two area's
are totally mixed up.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Map02: Elevator moving scripting from
Doom1 E2M8. Originally this sector was
not a elevator at all.
Map02: Doom2 Map02 is having a
neighbour sector of Doom1 E2M3.
Playing here with Flats and Textures.
Map02: A cut edge of Doom1 E1M5 and
Doom2 Map07. The border goes right
through a building.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Interferance of a new endboss who
 claimes that everything is allright now.
He shows you his boss is defeated
which you all know, that was John R.
A celldoor in the Duke Nukem area.
An escape route from Doom E2M8 map.
...the only way out.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
A sculpture of Doom E1M8 map.
Two different plasmaguns in one game,
A third coming up soon.
A staircase downwards. In front: E1M5,
in the back: Map07.
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New monster: Hans Grosse from
A third plasma weapon, taken from a
female Arachnotron. There is no ammo
for this weapon only by killing the
Arachnatrin and picking up her weapon
and ofcourse the BackPack.
The Arachnatrin plasmarifle is basicly
stronger than the BFG, however, it
takes only 4 BFG-shots to take a Cybe
out but uses 160 Cells. Arachnatrin
plasmarifle uses only 38 shots.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Now, against CyberBot, it is a whole
other story. To take him out you have to
shoot 9 BFG charges and a bit Plasma.
Once you claimed the CyberBot's
Homing Rocket Launcher, you are
almost invincible. The weapon is strong
fast and has unlimited ammonition !!
Imported the DukeNukem's Pig Cop
and its shotgun weapon.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Imported Duke Nukem's Assault Trooper
(Predator). It almost act as original
Map01 of WadMix2007 starts at a dead
silence area. I good opportunity to start
collecting weapons and ammonition.
Map01: A similar Duke Nukem map1.
This Map01 WadMix2007 is redecorated
with Duke Nukem textures.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
And suddenly there's Hans Grosse
in front of you, protecting his domain.
Or elsewhere like in the Heretic area.
He wont stay here. It was just for a
testrun to see if Hans grosse works.
Imported Macil the rebelleader of the
Strife game. Only Macil hardskilled has
a nice deathscene (new from scratch).
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
The hard-skilled Macil has a Rapid Mini
Missile Launcher and shoots 5 missiles
at once. Its an kind of a answer to the
CyberBot's Homing Rocket Launcher.
The Rapid Mini Missile Launcher
is not as strong as CyberBot's Homing
Rocket Launcher however... it's a pain
in the ass to have it against you.
Two old staircases methodes i used
back in 1997 once. Bars that blocks the
way and via staircase up and staircase
down the player can pass.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
My second attempt to construct a slope.
What i really want, nobody made it
before. So no example will be available
from the net. (End of Map02)
Map03. Everything upsidedown but the
player. Jumping is required.
Map03: No, there is nothing wrong with
the screen. This map is just
upsidedown. For that this map is calling
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Map03: Even decorations like this
simple candle is up side down.
A disagrement between an Arachnotron
and Hans Grosse in Map01. (Quake)
Who was here??
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Map 03: A corridor filled with electrical
conduits... and holes in the floor which
kills you instantly. Jumping or a quick
run is required.
MultyplyMan in action. An enemy you'd
wished you never encountered him.
MultiplyMan worked TOO well here.
It multiplied himself into al least 6500
enemies. MultiplyMan should be
'a pain in the ass'-enemy, but this is
Map 03: Textures are not only upside-
down, they are also on there side.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Map 03: Even doors are screwed-up.
This map is not called 'Screwed-up' for
Super-Marine in action! Equipted with
a upgraded PlasmaRifle, fast and
spread. You shoot him, he shoot back at
you at once !
Textures of BlakeStone.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
An Argument between an Arch-Vile and
Hans Grosse.
A combination between Multiply-Man
and an Arch-Vile. Result, a very long
Jumping is required.
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
It's not a regular type of corridor the way
you know it. This corridor goes straight
up... and up, you must go!
A bloody area you must go through.
In the middle there is a Hyper Blaster
from the Quake 2 game. Showing here
the Double Chaingun like Hans Grosse
would have.
Trapped in the middle of a swarm of
Blood Imps.They are invisible, and
appear only when they attack you.
When they attack you, they're
Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge. Click to enlarge.
Here im giving linedef 181 a shot
to make a round corridor. I like slopes !
A Maintenance room.
Hell is one big disorder, so is this
staircase. It's still very intact.

Some in-game titles i'm working on:

