My own Invasion Pack
' This Invasion Pack Is Dedicated To Old Serious Sam Game Style'
Go to Delta Invasion page.
Go to Ultimate Doom Invasion Pack
Go to Wolfenstein 3D Invasion map pack
( lead by UnTrustable )
Go to Zeta invasion project
(by WartonCove)
Go to Invasion Unleased
( lead by Mifu )
Go to Phoenix Invasion
( lead by BlazingPhoenix )
Go to Doom1/2 3D Invasion
( In the making by UnTrustable )
Go to Last Hell
( Done in 2000 By Second Raver, later known as UnTrustable )
Go to Hank Cafe's ToyBox project
(converting by UnTrustable)
Go to Race of Madness (RoM)
(lead by Cpl Foley)
UnNamed: Map01
Wave 01, filled with alot of demons.
They are easy to defeat, enough space
for a tactical retreat, and movability.
Wave 02, A few Dark Imps should be no
problem while having a minichaingun
in your hands.
My own Invasion Pack (name unknown yet)